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Gambling News - 'Kick'
September 11, 2023
Adin Ross Discuses a North Korean Stream with Kick Co-Founder Eddie Craven
Adin Ross, one of the most influential gambling streamers, considers streaming an interview with none other than Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea. Although still just an idea, the stream in North Korea was proposed by Kick co-founder Eddie Craven himself. Kick is a fast-growing competitor of Twitch that boasts better paychecks, a […]
August 1, 2023
KICK Becomes Everton FC Sleeve Sponsor
This is a groundbreaking opportunity for both partners as KICK has been launched as a response to Amazon-owned Twitch, which has been accused of undermining content creator revenue. KICK Establishes Stronger Presence in Sports Instead, KICK has a revenue-sharing model which gives back 95% of all proceedings back to streamers. Now, the platform is going […]
July 4, 2023
Kick Tackles Gambling Content and View-Botting Concerns with New Update
Co-founder Ed Craven recently announced a series of updates aimed at maintaining a fair landscape for creators and safeguarding users from potential manipulations. Kick Co-founder Acknowledges View Botting Issue and Unveils Protection Measures Since its launch in late 2022, Kick has seen a remarkable surge in growth, but with this success came allegations of view […]
June 26, 2023
Asmongold Calls Kick’s Overall Strategy Smart and On Point
However, Asmongold has had no beef with the way Kick is supposedly “reserving” slots and promoting gambling streams. Kick was launched as an alternative by a number of companies and investors who were unhappy with Twitch’s overreaching policy on gambling streams that prohibited specific websites to be advertised while at the same time failing to […]
June 21, 2023
Greece Bans Streaming Platform Kick Over Gambling Content
Kick.com, a streaming platform supported by many pro-gambling advocates, has been blocked in Greece. As it turns out, the platform’s liberal stance on gambling doesn’t sit well with some markets. Kick emerged in the wake of changes to the gambling content policies of Twitch, an Amazon-owned streaming service. Created by the founders of Stake.com, Kick […]
June 19, 2023
xQc Signs $100M Deal with Twitch Rival Kick
As a result, he is moving to greener pastures with Kick offering a better split and overall presence in the streaming space. xQc is joining to promote the type of content which he likes best, which includes online gambling, and admittedly get a better rate. His decision to join Kick is also incentivized by a $100 million price […]
June 7, 2023
Drake’s Kick Livestream Turns Memorable with a Credit Card Decline
Little did Drake know that a seemingly ordinary livestream would turn into a hilarious viral sensation, leaving fans in stitches and social media buzzing with laughter. Drake’s Livestream Fiasco Creates Internet Frenzy Drake, known for his generosity, had already captured the hearts of fans and content creators alike by gifting a remarkable 20,000 Kick subscriptions […]
April 7, 2023
Kick Continues to Challenge Twitch’s Hegemony
Kick, a Stake-owned streaming platform, continues to make headlines and dispute Twitch’s rule. For a time, people thought that YouTube Gaming would be the Amazon-owned platform’s true competitor but it turns out that competing with Kick is going to be the real challenge. Kick provided all streamers neglected by Twitch with a refuge. While the […]