June 30, 2021 3 min read


Indiana Looks to Fill Void Left by Denial of Lucy Luck Casino License

The Indiana Gaming Commission (IGC) has re-opened the application process to issue a casino license for Vigo County. This follows the denial of an annual license renewal last week to Lucy Luck Gaming LLC., which wasn’t able to meet the commission’s stringent criteria. Applicants have time to put their affairs in order, as the window won’t close for three months.

What Indiana Casino Applicants Must Know

The IGC posted on Monday that those interested in applying need to be ready to pay a $50,000 application fee. All submissions need to be completed on the commission’s official Casino License Application. The notification states that current Indiana licensed casino owners must submit the application and fee to start the process of license acquisition or renewal. It also states that owners may cross-reference to their existing application on file with the commission.

The IGC also stated in its notice that the submitted proposals will be available for the public to view, allowing those outside the industry to help shape the state’s gaming market. Potential candidates have until September 22 to submit their final applications. The IGC will determine the appropriate date for action at a business meeting only after the receipt of proposals and applications, and the completion of all necessary legal investigations. One of its ongoing commitments is to ensure the realization of the licensing approval so that Vigo County benefits from the casino operation. In addition, the commission is committed to ensuring that the applicant selected for the Vigo County casino meets or exceeds all applicable standards and presents the highest potential for the successful operation of a casino.

IGC Plays Hardball With Casino Owners

Lucy Luck Gaming LLC’s casino was planned for Terre Haute; however, the Commission decided not to renew its gambling license because of already existing problems, which included, but were not limited to delays and forced ownership charges. Full financing for the operation has not yet been secured, and Lucy Luck still hasn’t built an executive team to run the casino, as stated by commissioners last Thursday. Lucy Luck can reapply; however, it first must work out all its current problems.

Groundbreaking had been slated for the middle of this summer season, with an opening expected in fall 2022. However, the commission put off voting to renew the license. They stated they wanted to see more financing information before committing to their final decision. The casino has been working with Hard Rock International to operate the casino, but those plans are going to remain on hold until Lucy Luck can prove to the IGC that it meets the commission’s obligations.


Stoyan holds over 9 years of esports and gambling writing experience under his belt and is specifically knowledgeable about developments within the online scene. He is a great asset to the Gambling News team with his niche expertise and continual focus on providing our readers with articles that have a unique spin which differentiates us from the rest.

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