April 12, 2023 2 min read


Unions Help Increase Payrate for Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Employees

The much-anticipated pay raise will help increase the hourly income of casino workers over the next three years

The pandemic that is now residing impacted significantly the gaming and entertainment sector. But while there’s no doubt about the negative impact on companies, the workers also felt the hit of the pandemic. What’s more, the increase in the cost of living, combined with the slow increase in the pay rate has put many workers and families in a difficult position. However, this is not the case for casino workers at a premium casino destination in Baltimore, Maryland.

Employees of the Horseshoe Casino Baltimore will benefit from a much-anticipated increase in their pay, via a new agreement between the unions and Caesars Entertainment, a report released by The Baltimore Sun reveals. Unite Here Local 7, a local union coalition that represents workers within the gambling vertical, played a key role in the process that helped deliver an increase in the hourly rate for the employees of Horseshoe Casino Baltimore.

Overall, 600 employees holding positions such as cashiers, dealers, slot attendants, as well as cocktail servers, bartenders, cooks and cleaners, will benefit from the newly negotiated pay raise. Ultimately, the contract seeks to implement multiple increases in the hourly pay for casino workers over the next three years.

Multiple Payrate Increases Are Expected

The new three-year labor contract agreement between the unionized workers at Horseshoe Casino Baltimore and Caesars Entertainment comes after the previous contract expired last year. It marks a significant achievement, considering that the casinos’ lowest hourly rate for non-tipped workers has been $14.67 an hour since October 2021.

But that changes immediately as the new contract implements an increase of $1.40 per hour. The increase in hourly pay applies to all non-tipped workers at Horseshoe Casino Baltimore. Additionally, in October this year, a separate $0.80 increase per hour will also be implemented. Over the next two years, two other increases, by $0.80 per hour each, will be implemented in October 2024 and 2025 respectively.

According to Adam Johnson, who works as a slot attendant and is also a part of the bargaining committee with Unite Here Local 7, the much-anticipated wage increase comes along with additional payment for holidays. “Determined, organized people have power. Voices once muted now understand that they truly matter,” he explained.


Jerome brings a wealth of journalistic experience within the iGaming sector. His interest in the industry began after graduating from college, where he regularly participated in local poker tournaments. This exposure led him to the growing popularity of online poker and casino rooms. Jerome now channels all the knowledge he's accrued to fuel his passion for journalism, providing our team with the latest scoops online.


  • DJ
    May 14, 2023 at 10:31 pm

    What they won’t tell you is they also increased the union dues as well as Employee dining cost. Ultimately there was no pay increase.

  • I_Work_There_2
    June 5, 2024 at 6:26 pm

    i can confirm there was increased union dues & dining cost

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