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Gambling News - 'Horseshoe casino baltimore'
April 26, 2024
Horseshoe Robbery Victim Says Casinos Should Boost Garage Security
A Maryland casino crime victim has shared his story, hoping that it would urge casinos to boost the security at their parking lots. In an interview with Fox45 News, the man said that he is glad to be alive. The news outlet referred to the man as Justin. The man was recently robbed at the […]
September 21, 2023
Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Visitor Pockets $1M Jackpot
Hardly anything can compare to the thrill and excitement of winning a jackpot. While chances are slim, there are plenty of lucky winners who secure hefty prizes and this is precisely the case of one Horseshoe Casino Baltimore gambler. The property, located in Maryland, is popular as a premium entertainment destination for the region. Without […]
April 12, 2023
Unions Help Increase Payrate for Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Employees
The pandemic that is now residing impacted significantly the gaming and entertainment sector. But while there’s no doubt about the negative impact on companies, the workers also felt the hit of the pandemic. What’s more, the increase in the cost of living, combined with the slow increase in the pay rate has put many workers […]
September 30, 2021
Horseshoe Casino Baltimore Adds New Options as it Eyes Sports Betting
Baltimore’s Horseshoe Casino is the latest gambling facility that is getting ready for the highly anticipated launch of sports betting in Maryland. On Wednesday, the South Baltimore Casino announced that the first floor of the building will be converted into a next-level entertainment environment and that it will combine a sportsbook branded by the recently-launched […]