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Gambling News - 'Spain'
July 11, 2020
Spain’s Q1, 2020 Gambling Results Grow by 12.5% YOY
Shortly after Spain proposed new restrictive measures to online gambling and betting, advertisement and promotions, the DGOJ presented the Q1, 2020 gambling numbers, marking an overall 12.5% year-over-year increase in gambling revenue. Sports Betting Posts Solid Results Yet Another Time in Q1, 2020 Spain’s gambling revenue has grown yet again in the first quarter of […]
July 9, 2020
Spain Submits Gambling Overhaul Plan to EC, Seeks to Suspend Gambling Ads
Spain’s national government has submitted a draft to the European Commission, seeking to introduce new restrictions suspending gambling advertisements, specific sponsorships and promotions in the country. Gambling Ads and Bonuses May Soon Be Suspended in Spain The Spanish government continues to issue restrictions to the gambling industry in the country. In the latest move, the […]
May 26, 2020
Spain Warns Casinos and Sportsbooks Not to Reopen Without Authorization
With Spain preparing to return back to normal, the government has cautioned casinos and sports betting venues not to reopen. All properties need to wait for an official go-ahead. Spain’s Gambling Regulator Warns Gambling Venues Not to Reopen Spain’s gambling regulator continues to keep a close eye on the country’s gambling industry. Even though the […]
April 7, 2020
Rightlander to Help Spain Uphold Ad-Hoc Gambling Ads Measures in COVID-19 Lockdown
Compliance company Rightlander.com will help Spanish authorities to protect vulnerable players by making sure that the country’s gambling companies are complying with ad-hoc advertising measures adopted by the regulator on April 3. Rightlander to Assist Spanish Authorities Enforce Lockdown Ads Policies Compliance monitoring company Rightlander has won a bid to back the Spanish government’s efforts […]
April 6, 2020
Spain: Crypto Holders and Traders to Receive Tax Letters
The Spanish tax regulator AEAT launched a massive campaign, sending notices to more than 60,000 cryptocurrency holders and traders. AEAT to send more than 60,000 notices, growth of more than 300% Spanish Tax regulator AEAT (Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria) launched a massive campaign aimed at cryptocurrency holders as of April 1, 2020. The campaign […]
April 1, 2020
Gambling Advertising Limited in Spain Due to COVID-19
Spanish government limits advertising and online gaming marketing while the COVID-19 outbreak continues to grow. Spanish Government Limiting Gaming Advertising Following the gambling marketing regulations implemented by the Spanish government in February 2020, a new article was published in Spain’s Official Gazette this Tuesday (Mar 31). The Royal Decree article 37,11/2020 limits the communication of […]
March 20, 2020
Greentube Extends Footprint in Spanish Market
Greentube, a division of NOVOMATIC Interactive, is one of the world’s most accomplished online casino technology solutions developer. Its products and services are already being used by a number of reputable gambling brands in several different jurisdictions. The company has been quite aggressive in its pursuit of growth and this bid has seen it ink […]
March 1, 2020
Spain Regulator Reported 2019 Online Gambling Revenue Growth
Online gaming activities in Spain has grown in 2019, as the numbers released by the Dirección General del Ordenación del Juego /DGOJ/, the national gambling regulator, show gross gaming revenue /GGR/ of €748.5 million, up by 7.1% year-on-year. 2019 Growth Despite Q4 revenue in decline, growth across all but two verticals managed to push annual […]
February 22, 2020
Spain Says 80% of Online Gambling Advertisement Has to Go
Spain’s consumer protection minister Alberto Garzon has said that the government will most likely seek to limit 80% of all online advertisement. Spanish Online Gambling Advertisement Comes Under Scrutiny Spain is once again discussing gambling and specifically gambling advertisement after Unidos Podemos, the country’s left-wing party, brought up the issue that the industry is harming […]
February 11, 2020
SBTech Becomes Wanabet.es’ Official Sports Betting Technology Partner
SBTech has spread its wings even further thanks to a recent partnership with Wanabet.es, a Spain-focused online gambling operator. As part of the partnership agreement between the two companies, SBTech will now be the R. Franco Group-owned online sports betting brand’s official sports betting technology provider. Why SBTech? As hinted earlier, SBTech is no stranger […]