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Gambling News - 'Dan kustelski'
August 20, 2021
GamblingNews and Chalkline CEO Dan Kustelski Discuss the Company’s Future (Podcast #3)
The GamblingNews podcast series has proven to be a hit with gambling industry insiders, and we were recently fortunate enough to have Dan Kustelski, the co-founder and CEO of Chalkline, on our show. As the gambling industry is undergoing rapid, and sometimes sudden, changes, Chalkline’s unique products are proving to be valuable commodities for operators […]
August 20, 2021
Chalkline’s Daniel Kustelski: US Operators Need to Engage, Educate and Acclimate Players”
US sportsbook operators are spending big as part of efforts to acquire players and leverage the first-mover advantage in the early days of the market. But spending big does not always translate into strong ROI, and there are plenty of opportunities for savvy operators to claim a substantial share of an affordable cost. Acquisition is […]