January 23, 2024 3 min read


NSW Venue Penalized for Having an ATM Next to Its Gaming Room

Having easy access to withdrawals can make it easier for players to lose track of how much they are spending

Liquor & Gaming NSW announced that the operator of an inner Sydney venue was found guilty of a gambling-related violation. According to the authority’s report, the licensee in question had placed an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in an ATM room attached to its gaming room.

For reference, the Gaming Machines Regulation 2019 specifies that ATMs must be located in completely separate rooms. Vbar, the venue in question, however, sported an ATM in an adjacent room, violating NSW’s regulations. In addition, the property sported a large text reading ATM that was displayed across the door to the room.

The rules concerning the placement of ATMs align with NSW’s efforts to minimize gambling harm. The proximity of ATMs leads to risks of repeated withdrawals, exacerbating problem players’ harm. As a result, inspectors continue to monitor the placement of ATMs, targeting a variety of factors. These include the availability of credit from ATMs on the premises of a gambling venue, the visibility of internal gaming-related signage outside the venue and hotel layouts that compel visitors to pass through a gaming room when going to another area.

In addition, inspectors continue to make sure that gaming rooms include self-exclusion messaging, comply with Gaming Plans of Management and do not let minors in.

Vbar Was Penalized

Because of Vbar’s violation, the property’s licensee was ordered to pay the prosecutor’s costs in the amount of AUD 5,500 by the Local Court. According to Liquor & Gaming NSW’s executive director of regulatory operations, Jane Lin, the position of the ATM in Vbar was a “clear breach” of the Gaming Machines Regulation 2019.

Lin explained:

ATMs must be located in a part of the venue completely separate to gaming rooms or any other part of a venue where gaming machines are located, even if the internal design or fit-out of the room acts to screen the ATM.

Jane Lin, exec director of regulatory operations, Liquor & Gaming NSW

Lin added that having easy access to withdrawals can make it easier for players to lose track of how much they are spending. Because of that, ATMs should be located further away from gaming machines, encouraging players to have a break.

Lin concluded that her team will not tolerate violations of fundamental gambling harm minimization measures.

Any operators who attempt to circumvent the legislation will be met with a strong enforcement response.

Jane Lin, exec director of regulatory operations, Liquor & Gaming NSW

The regulator’s claim was supported by the Magistrate, which agreed that Vbar violated NSW’s regulations.


Angel has a passion for all forms of writing, be it fiction or nonfiction. His curious nature gives him an ace up his sleeve when researching a new topic. Angel’s thirst for knowledge, paired with adaptability, always helps him find his way around.

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