October 18, 2023 3 min read


No Casinos, Inc. Continues Its Battle to Stop Gambling in Florida

The lobbying group escalated its fight by filing an amicus brief in litigation before the Florida Supreme Court

No Casinos, Inc., a longstanding advocate against the expansion of gambling in Florida, continues its unrelenting campaign using all available means. The aim is to challenge and invalidate the tribal gaming compact, which would grant the Seminole Tribe a monopoly on mobile and retail sportsbooks in the state. This legal battle marks the latest chapter in Florida’s contentious history with sports betting.

The Organization Holds Significant Sway

No Casinos, Inc. was instrumental in crafting a constitutional amendment to prevent the expansion of casino gambling without explicit approval from voters. In 2018, they successfully campaigned to add this language to Florida’s constitution, receiving overwhelming support from 71% of voters. This amendment aimed to set clear boundaries for gambling expansion.

However, in a surprising turn of events, three years later, Governor Ron DeSantis signed a gaming compact with the Seminole Tribe, allowing them to broaden their casino offerings and embark on sports betting activities. The compact intended to permit the tribe to accept online sports bets provided the sportsbook servers were located on tribal land.

This New Upset Will Further Delay Florida Sports Betting

The newest escalation by No Casinos coincides with a multifaceted legal battle that has stretched over several years, leaving Florida as one of the largest US states without a legal sports betting framework. Opponents, led by pari-mutuel operators West Flagler Associates, have challenged the compact in federal court, arguing that permitting online betting infringes upon the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act’s prohibition of off-reservation gaming.

No Casino contends that the tribal gaming compact violated the constitutional amendment they successfully championed. They argue that the arrangement should be invalidated, along with the implementing laws passed by the state legislature. The organization emphasized that it was the responsibility of the state supreme court to determine the legality of this model within Florida’s legal framework.

The notion that “Indian lands” exist wherever a mobile phone with a gambling app exists is a blatant attempt to legislate in an area that is, in fact, outside the authority of the Governor or the Legislature.

No Casinos, Inc. statement

The Seminole Tribe has indicated that it does not intend to respond to the case in the US Supreme Court. The tribe’s stance stems from its previous efforts to assert sovereign immunity and the DC Circuit’s refusal to recognize these efforts, as it upheld the underlying compact. The tribe’s lawyers noted that they would be willing to file a response if the US Supreme Court deemed it necessary.

The legal battle surrounding Florida’s sports betting legislation has taken a new turn, with No Casinos, Inc. wading into the fray. This move will undoubtedly cause even more delays to the introduction of legal sports betting in Florida as multiple parties rise to challenge the tribal gaming compact. Florida residents and industry stakeholders eagerly await the outcome, which will define the future of sports betting in the Sunshine State.

Deyan is an experienced writer, analyst, and seeker of forbidden lore. He has approximate knowledge about many things, which he is always willing to apply when researching and preparing his articles. With a degree in Copy-editing and Proofreading, Deyan is able to ensure that his work writing for Gambling News is always up to scratch.

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