August 28, 2024 3 min read


Fact-checked by Angel Hristov

NFL Once Again Reminds Players of Its Stringent Betting Rules

The NFL remains bullish on enforcing its betting policy and preventing any form of insider betting that could undermine the integrity of the sport and the sports betting sector

The National Football League (NFL) has once again reminded athletes and insiders of its stringent betting policies. This comes just ahead of the new football season, which is set to kick off on September 5.

NFL Athletes and Personnel Should Not Wager on the League

The NFL has long promoted policies that prohibit insider betting or in any capacity undermine the integrity of the sport. As a result, players, team personnel and officials are prohibited from placing wagers on the NFL season or during it.

In its reminder, the NFL highlighted the prohibition, which includes other NFL events such as Draft, Combine, Pro Bowl and NFL Honors. Team personnel, in particular, are prohibited from betting on any sport. Additionally, the NFL reminded players and insiders that they are also prohibited from asking their loved ones to place wagers on their behalf.

Another important rule is that players and officials should never gamble online, play casino games, cards or engage in any form of gambling inside their team’s facility or stadium, while traveling for a road game or while staying at a team hotel.

Furthermore, NFL teams are prohibited from sharing insider information, especially information that hasn’t been announced by the team or that could facilitate other people’s wagering.

In addition to being prohibited from wagering on sports, NFL athletes and officials are prohibited from even physically entering a sportsbook during the season.

Last but not least, the National Football League reminded its players and staff to forgo playing daily fantasy football.

NFL Is Committed to Upholding the Highest Integrity Standards

The NFL remains bullish on enforcing its betting policy and preventing any form of insider betting that could undermine the integrity of the sport and the sports betting sector.

The league has also been trying to improve the gambling education players receive and to make sure that athletes and personnel are familiar with the official NLF rules on wagering. To that end, the NFL has ruled that every team must display the gambling rules inside its team facilities. Additionally, the league has started hosting mandatory education sessions for players, which were developed in partnership with the NFL Players Association.

Additionally, every team is now required to have a dedicated NFL Integrity Representative.

Despite its commitment to integrity the NFL has not always been able to actually prevent players from placing illegal wagers. A recent gambling scandal involving several NFL players, for example, led to suspensions and bans as the league hoped to warn players of the consequences they face if they break its rules.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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