June 6, 2020 3 min read


Kindred Supports European Football Network, Battling Match-Fixing

Kindred, a world leading online gambling operator, has teamed up with the European Football Network to start a new campaign fighting against match-fixing.

Kindred Partners up with EFDN for a New Campaign

Kindred Group together with the European Football Network (EFDN) is battling match-fixing. With the help of a new project called Fair Sports 4 All, the two partners will raise awareness towards match-fixing. Fair Sports 4 All will provide online education for elite sports clubs, athletes, players and managers. Although the program is primarily targeting the football sector, other sports can also use the guidelines. Sports such as basketball, handball, volleyball and more can benefit from the Fair Sports 4 All.

The Kindred-EFDN partnership dates back from last year. Actually, last year Kindred became the first commercial partner to support the network. The EFDN network goal is to promote football as a way for social development. Prior to Fair Sports 4 All, Kindred have supported previous EFDN projects such as “Active Fans and “#supporterofeachother“. The current project, Fair Sports 4 All is aiming at mutual learning for partners and organizations. The prime involvement of the Kindred Group in this project is to join forces with NGOs and other organizations. By doing so, the group can achieve results in certain networks. The Fair Sports 4 All program will include an educational tool which helps raise awareness about match-fixing. In addition, the training will include a set of skills dedicated to coping and resisting match-fixing.

Kindred and EFDN CEOs Comment on the Partnership

Henrik Tjärnström, Kindred Group CEO commented that match-fixing is a “threat to the fundamental idea of sports.” He continued by saying: “Billions of people around the world enjoy participating in or consuming sport, and if the unpredictability of sport events is taken away, this fundamental idea is in severe jeopardy.” Tjärnström continued by saying that match fixing is also a threat to the entire gaming industry itself. Kidred’s CEO noted that it is extremely important for people not to lose faith in sporting events. He pointed out that this can result in people losing faith in betting products too. Tjärnström has shared his excitement about the new Fair Sport 4 All project. He pointed out that teaming up with EFDN, the two companies can make a difference in the battle against match-fixing.

EFDN CEO, Hubert Rovers also commented on the subject by saying: “Sport can be such a powerful tool in teaching life skills, promoting social cohesion and fostering values of respect and inclusion.” He continued by pointing out that the positive powers of sports must be kept as such and protected from the negative effects of match-fixing. Rovers stressed that the two companies are joining forces to protect integrity in sports. In conclusion, Rovers said that his company is proud to have as competent partner as Kindred.

Lead Author

With 5+ years of experience as an analyst, Julie—affectionately known as 'Jewels' in the office—has quickly become our go-to expert in the forex and cryptocurrency space. Her keen attention to detail and deep understanding of the industry make her an invaluable asset. Julie's expertise and enthusiasm have made her the top choice to co-pilot educational initiatives alongside Mike, bringing knowledge to the masses.

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