July 12, 2024 3 min read


Fact-checked by Angel Hristov

Curaçao Gaming Control Board Reopens Licensing Portal amid Regulatory Changes

This move heralds a new age for the region as it refines and enhances its gambling regulation framework, introducing much-needed updates

The Curaçao Gaming Control Board (GCB) has announced the reopening of its online licensing portal on 15 July 2024, at 00:01 local time, allowing new applications under the current National Ordinance on Games of Hazard (NOOGH) legislation. This development comes as the GCB continues prioritizing applications submitted during the previous application window, which ended on 30 April, ensuring that these are processed first.

Applicants Must Follow a Thorough Procedure

The GCB’s licensing portal will accept applications from B2C, B2B2C, and B2B operators. The application process has undergone some streamlining with minor procedural updates since the initial March guidelines. One significant change is abolishing the requirement for an authorization letter for portal users, though the GCB retains the right to conduct due diligence on these users.

Applicants must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Application Submission Guidelines published in March 2024 and comply with the application manual available on the GCB portal. The portal includes real-time checklists to help applicants track outstanding documentation, ensuring a more efficient approval process, though the authority stated some specific cases could require additional steps.

Some notable procedural changes include applicants needing to establish an official representative on the online portal. Operators should regularly check the portal, as the GCB advised them to upload all relevant documents directly through the system. This practice should expedite the application process since the authority may occasionally require additional input.

New Regulations Promise Substantial Improvements

The GCB has reiterated that none of the existing Master Licenses will be eligible for renewal after their expiration dates, which range from August 2024 to January 2025. If the National Ordinance on Games of Chance (LOK) passes into law before these dates, the Master Licenses will automatically end on the enactment date.

The LOK marks a significant milestone in Curaçao’s efforts to update its gambling legislation. Curaçao’s Minister of Justice, Javier Silvania, emphasized that the new regulation, expected to be enacted later this year, will safeguard users and stakeholders against grey market operators and improve the jurisdiction’s reputation. This update will see the Curaçao Gaming Authority (CGA) take over as the regulator.

As the GCB continues to process applications and gradually transitions to the new regulatory environment, operators are encouraged to stay informed and comply with the updated requirements to secure their licenses. With the impending implementation of the LOK, the island aims to strengthen its position as a reputable gaming jurisdiction, ensuring that all operations face rigorous oversight.

Deyan is an experienced writer, analyst, and seeker of forbidden lore. He has approximate knowledge about many things, which he is always willing to apply when researching and preparing his articles. With a degree in Copy-editing and Proofreading, Deyan is able to ensure that his work writing for Gambling News is always up to scratch.

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