February 4, 2025 2 min read


Fact-checked by Stoyan Todorov

Wisconsin Sees Increase in Problem Gambling Calls

The state has become the latest to see an uptick in the calls to its problem gambling helplines, indicative of how the spread of regulated gambling may be driving addictive behavior

Wisconsin has trod lightly when it comes to its sports wagering industry. The state reluctantly decided to introduce the vertical in 2021 and granted exclusivity to tribal casinos. Another prerequisite for the state to only run sports betting operations in-person, is that no online bets may be placed.

Wisconsin Sees Uptick in Problem Gamblers

Part of the decision stemmed from fears that people would jump stateliness and bet from there, or that underage gambling would take hold. Others cited concerns that having online betting too readily available would drive problem gambling.

The Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling, though, is experiencing increased calls already, even in the lack of interactive sports wagering and players being restricted to a psychical realm. Director Rose Blozinski had this to say commenting on the build-up to the Super Bowl, and the frequency of calls from gamblers experiencing issues:

“The thing though, to know with any type of gambling is if somebody wants to do is going to find a way to do it. So even though it may not always be legal, they may still be, sports betting.”

Blozinski has further explained that people do not necessarily call ahead of a big event – but immediately after, especially because they lost a huge amount of money. He also cautions that other big events are coming, such as March Madness, extending the betting bonanza and thus exposing vulnerable gamblers to potentially dangerous situations.

Additional Funding Required for the Best Care Available

According to the Council, more than 232,000 people in the state have a gambling problem based on the estimates of the Department of Health Services. The average debt level is $45,000 although it’s not specified if this has to do specifically with gambling.

Lottery remains one of the fastest-growing verticals with sales hitting $1 billion in the state from previously $574 million a year ago. To address an increase in the number of people calling, the Council argues that getting the funding to bring in councils and advocates to further help address the issues that callers face.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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