February 5, 2025 3 min read


Fact-checked by Stoyan Todorov

Texans Plumping for Online Sports Betting with 60% in Favor

At first glance, Texas may seem hesitant to embrace sports gambling - or most forms of gambling, for that matter - but appearances can be deceiving

After Gov. Greg Abbott said that he would not seek to block a sports gambling bill should it hit its desk, Texans are hoping that things may finally be changing. Lacking destination resorts (read Las Vegas-style casinos) and sports betting, the Lone Star is pushing for both.

Local business gurus, outside forces such as Las Vegas Sands Corp, and politicians are coming together to mount a full-frontal assault on the status quo and enable Texans to decide for themselves if they are willing to pass laws that enable various forms of gambling.

Lawmakers could also put away fears that passing a controversial issue such as gambling could cost them dear political capital, confident in the knowledge that public opinion is on their side.

According to the University of Houston’s Hobby School of Public Affairs and a survey released by the institution, a record 73% of Texans support the legalization of destination resort casinos in the state, which has been enjoying a lot of backing.

While culture wars and political divides exist, gambling has proven to be a surprisingly bipartisan matter where lawmakers from both factions have come together to work on draft laws. Similarly, Democrat and Republican voters both favor the legalization of gambling, with 74% and 72% respectively.

While casino resorts are backed by an overwhelming majority, online sports gambling is a bit of a more touchy-feely topic and this is evident when 60% of respondents said that online sports betting is in fact a good idea.

The survey explores other attitudes. For example, 56% of respondents in the state have said that they could see the value and would back the introduction of sportsbooks at the state’s stadiums and arenas.

The survey tried to keep things specific and explain to respondents where the potential casinos would be, naming the areas where investors are eyeing to set up shop. This detail is important as Texans are making informed decisions and seemingly aware of the implications casino resorts would have.

Texans Seem to Understand What Gambling Legalization Would Entail

At the same time, Texans are exposed to new TV ads by a political action committee. The Texas Destination Resort Alliance as the PAC is called is backed by Las Vegas Sands, which has been drumming up support for legalizing gambling in the state, and specifically Vegas-style resorts.

Texans themselves are keen to finally be able to spend their money in-state rather than jumping to another state to visit a world-class casino resort. Tilman Fertitta has been similarly pushing for the introduction of such casino resorts, advising against the costs of missed economic opportunity.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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