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Gambling News - 'Maine'
July 8, 2020
New York Casinos Shuttered, Maine Prepares to Reopen
Maine and New York States will go their own ways in handling the novel coronavirus pandemic and the restart of the gambling industry in their respective jurisdictions. New York’s Casinos to Stay Shut for a While Longer New York has been one of the most heavily impacted states in the United States, experiencing the worst […]
January 12, 2020
Gov. Mills Vetoes and Sends Maine Betting Bill Back to Lawmakers
The process of legalizing gambling in the US, after the Supreme Court decision to leave the final verdict to the states, faces significant road bumps ahead, shows the latest development with the State of Maine, where the state government successfully passed the required bill to allow the introduction of sports betting in the state only […]
January 8, 2020
Gov. Mills Has to Decide on Future of Maine Sports Betting
Gov. Janet Mills of Maine has until Friday to sign, veto or let a sports betting bill become a law, and thus make the Pine Tree State the first to legalize sports betting in 2020. Maine Could Have Sports Betting by Friday Maine Gov. Janet Mills has until Friday, January 10, to approve or veto […]