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Gambling News - 'Los angeles'
December 2, 2020
L.A. County Cities Ask to Continue Casino Operations Despite COVID Restrictions
Leaders of cities that host casino cardrooms have urged the L.A. County Board of Supervisors to revise the latest anti-pandemic restrictions that forced gaming venues to close for three weeks on November 30. The city managers of Hawaiian Gardens, Bell Gardens and the City of Commerce gathered on Monday to make a joint plea to […]
May 13, 2020
Rio 2011 Chip Heist Suspect Arrested by FBI in Los Angeles
The last of the three suspects from the famous Rio chips robbery, Steven Gao, is now arrested after fleeing to China and evading justice since 2011. Fleeing to China in 2011, Gao is Now Arrested Steven Gao, a suspect in a 2011 gambling chips robbery, was arrested in Los Angeles, FBI has announced. The Federal […]