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Gambling News - 'Cullen commission'
May 17, 2021
Former Canadian Gaming Minister Tap Dances in Money-laundering Investigation
As British Columbia (BC), more than a decade later, still tries to get to the bottom of a massive casino money-laundering saga, it seems that there are more questions than answers being raised. The government-led inquiry, dubbed the Cullen Commission, into how hundreds of millions of dollars could have been allegedly laundered right under regulators’ […]
April 26, 2021
BC Government Figures Call Allegations of Criminal Ties Offensive
British Columbia has been embroiled in a scandal of its own for the past two years or so. The province is facing allegations that the government knowingly turned a blind eye to money laundering in casinos several years back. British Columbia’s Probe into Casino Corruption Rages On Commenting on the issue, former B.C. finance minister […]
January 23, 2021
Cullen Toothless to Investigate Banks’ Role in Money Laundering
Commissioners investigating money laundering in British Columbia (BC) were told during the in-camera hearing of anti-money laundering (AML) and compliance officers at some of the top banks in Canada that the jurisdiction of the investigating body is limited. In-Camera Hearing for Banks The Cullen Commission, the body spearheaded by Justice Austin Cullen which was launched […]
February 25, 2020
British Columbia Inquires Into Gambling-Related Money Laundering
The Government in British Columbia has launched an investigation of its own into money laundering, possibly related to the gambling industry in the Canadian province that distorted the economy in the region. Gambling, Cars And Properties Gaming was one of the three spheres of business activities, along with real estates and luxury cars, that were […]