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Gambling News - 'Charlie baker'
June 12, 2023
NCAA to Explore Monetization of Sports Betting Partnerships
NCAA President Charlie Baker raised some eyebrows when hinting that the association may get into the sports betting space to explore potential new revenue streams. Entering the Sports Betting Space Speaking at an event titled “The Future of College Sport” hosted in Washington, DC by the University of Arizona and its president, Robert C. Robbins, […]
December 23, 2020
Massachusetts Gaming Commission Approves 25% Capacity Limits for Casinos
Governor Charlie Baker imposes new limitations to combat surge in Covid-19 cases and to prevent full lockdown. Gatherings During the Festive Season Might Lead to a Surge in New Cases The number of customers allowed at MGM Springfield and Massachusetts’ two other casinos will be limited at 25%, the state’s Gaming Commission ruled Tuesday. The […]