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Sands Nassau County Casino Project Gains Reprieve with New York Appeals Court Stay
A recent ruling annulled the county’s approval of the venture, but a swift legal response means the project may still proceed

The ambitious Las Vegas Sands casino and hotel project in Nassau County received temporary permission to move forward as the Appellate Court issued a stay on a recent ruling that annulled the county’s approval of the venture. A later hearing will decide the project’s fate and will be instrumental in determining its viability.
Rising Public Concerns Culminated in Legal Action
Sands Nassau County’s legal setback arose from a lawsuit filed by Hofstra University, located adjacent to the proposed $4 billion casino property. The university argued that planning officials and lawmakers failed to provide sufficient notice for public meetings and environmental reviews before approving a 99-year lease for the Sands project.
A 9 November court decision voided the existing lease and mandated that Nassau County planning officials restart the application process, including new hearings with the county legislature. The ruling represented a significant victory for Hofstra University as it expressed eagerness to contribute to the planning and protect the community from potential environmental risks.
Critics of the casino project have raised concerns about potential negative impacts on the local community, including increased traffic and crime, decreased property values, and disruptions to nearby neighborhoods. Hofstra University initiated the lawsuit in April, citing concerns about inadequate public engagement and environmental assessments, mirroring other controversial New York casino projects.
Casino Projects Remain a Contentious Issue
The potential significant delays forced Las Vegas Sands to act quickly and turn to the New York Court of Appeals. The appellate judge granted a stay and scheduled a hearing for 21 November in Brooklyn. Hofstra representatives must present compelling reasons why the lower court’s order should remain in place while Las Vegas Sands defends the project.
County Executive Bruce Blakeman, an avid supporter of the Sands Nassau project, was optimistic, noting that a definitive court ruling would clear all doubts about the development’s legal status. He reaffirmed that the casino resort would bolster the local economy with well-paying permanent employment and tax relief for residents.
We are grateful that the Appellate Division granted a stay of the lower court’s decision, and we’re confident the lower court’s ruling will be overturned.
Bruce Blakeman, Nassau County, New York County Executive
The fate of the Sands Nassau County project now hinges on the upcoming hearing, as stakeholders on both sides prepare to present their arguments regarding the proposed casino’s impact on the local community and the procedural aspects of the approval process. The increased scrutiny should help ensure that casino developments remain socially responsible and can mitigate gambling’s negative societal impact.
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Deyan is an experienced writer, analyst, and seeker of forbidden lore. He has approximate knowledge about many things, which he is always willing to apply when researching and preparing his articles. With a degree in Copy-editing and Proofreading, Deyan is able to ensure that his work writing for Gambling News is always up to scratch.
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