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NFL and Sportradar to Provide Faster and More Accurate Data
Photo credit: Sportradar
- NFL to release official data to sportsbooks around the world
- Sportradar will determine which betting firms qualify
- Integrity to be ensured by both the League and the company
NFL and Sportradar sign an extension of their existing partnership to provide more accurate and quicker data, including to sportsbooks around the world.
NFL’s Data Becomes Available to Sportsbooks
The National Football League (NFL) in the United States is expanding its existing data partnership with Sportradar to include overseas markets as well improve upon the existing arrangements, focusing on Australia and other countries that show interest in the event.
While Sportradar and the NFL didn’t disclose much of the terms of their extended partnership, moving forward the company will have access to real-time play-by-play data as well as Next Gen Stats (NGS), a platform developed by the League that offers players tracking data.
Sportradar will be a gateway of much of the NFL data and specifically how this data is distributed among betting firms in select international markets. Plus, the company expects to significantly enhance player protection as well as boost the accuracy of the data.
Better Integrity with Sportradar
As a result of the partnership, Sportradar will mobilize its Integrity Services department which will be tasked with monitoring betting-related activity in the pre-season and post-season games.
Commenting on the partnership, NFL VP for Media and COO Hans Schroeder had this to say:
“Sportradar has been an excellent partner the last four years and has provided the league, our teams, and media marketplace with innovative data products.”
Mr. Schroeder noted himself that the NFL was looking to work with Sportradar and deliver fast and accurate data on the whole. A similar sentiment was expressed by Sportradar CEO Carsten Koerl who added:
“We are confident we will maximise our strong partnership with the NFL and deliver ground-breaking products across the gaming, fantasy and the media worlds.”
Furthermore, Mr. Koerl noted that Sportradar has been an established sport data leader and as such the company was in a position to deliver an innovative product.
Sportradar and the NFL have been working together since 2015, a partnership which eventually led to the creation of Radar360 used to track and feed the NFL and partners data.
Sportradar Teams Up with All Sport Leagues
Sportradar is additionally favored by this consolidated deal, as the company partners with every major sport league in the country, including the:
- Major League Baseball
The move comes at an auspicious moment when a total of ten states have begun accepting wagers on the outcome of sporting events since May, 2018, when PASPA was repealed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Another important highlight is that this is the first time the NFL has offered sportsbooks access to league data, something that was not any of the league’s original plans for integrity fees.
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