June 26, 2023 3 min read


NC Lottery Commission to Deliver Betting Professionally and Transparently

The state hopes to rake in tons of tax money and, to that end, legalized both in-person sports betting and horseracing, as well as online wagering

North Carolina is set to become the next state with a fully-operational betting and online betting market. The state recently passed a sports gambling bill into law, with Governor Roy Cooper personally signing the measure.

Ripley Rand, chair of the North Carolina Lottery Commission, spoke with the Winston-Salem Journal, a local news outlet, providing more insight into the matter. Under the bill, sports wagering should be introduced within twelve months after the act has become law, which is a big challenge.

Rand said that his team has been tasked with the huge responsibility to license companies and regulate upcoming betting activities. At the same time, his team will be required to maintain quality work and high standards of integrity with the lottery.

The Commission Will Try to Deliver the Launch Professionally and Transparently

Rand said that the Lottery Commission will do everything in its power to introduce betting in a timely manner. He said that his team is bullish on delivering the launch professionally and transparently.

The commission and staff are committed to ensuring the job is done in a complete, professional, transparent and timely manner. We will keep the public up to date about when these programs will launch.

Ripley Rand, chair, NC Lottery Commission

Betting is expected to go live in January 2024. However, online wagering on sports and horse betting will likely become available at a later date.

North Carolina expects betting to revitalize its economy. The state hopes to rake in tons of tax money and, to that end, legalized both in-person sports betting and horseracing, as well as online wagering. Governor Cooper described the move as a “historic moment” for North Carolina that will change the future of the state and “benefit the economy for generations to come.”

The state tasked the Lottery Commission with creating a functional and robust regulatory framework for the two verticals and reliable safer gambling procedures.

Catena Media Is Preparing for Launch, More Companies to Follow

Operators, suppliers and affiliates are already preparing for the launch of sports betting in the state. Catena Media, a leading marketing affiliate for online sports betting and casino, announced its intentions to launch in the state in 2024.

Catena Media’s CEO, Michael Daly, praised the state for approving sports betting. Since North Carolina is the ninth most populous state in the USA, he believes that the launch will provide many opportunities for wagering companies.

The announcement came a week after North Carolina passed the sports betting bill and is likely to be followed by many more similar announcements by other companies.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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