December 30, 2019 3 min read


MGM Starts Using Solar Panels to Reduce CO2 Emissions

Thousands of Solar Panels have been installed in the Springfield, Massachusetts Casino.

The Solar Panels to be Launched in January 2020.

MGM Springfield, the top casino resort in Massachusetts, has had thousands of solar panels installed at its resort casino in Springfield. The panels will become operational in January, 2020.

From the company explained that these 3,000-panel solar canopy panels have been placed on roof deck of the eight-floor garage in the 2-million square foot casino’s premises located in downtown Springfield.

The aim of installing the panels is to produce more than 1,600 megawatt hours of electricity to power approximately 10% of the site where, apart from the casino, are located a hotel and an entertainment complex.

The panels are expected to decrease the complex’s yearly carbon emission by about 410 metric tons.

According to the Republican newspaper of Springfield the panels are actually a part of a bigger energy efficient strategy of MGM, which involves harvesting rainwater in cisterns for irrigation, installing low-water fixtures and LED lights, and bulging electric vehicle charging stations.

MGM and Invenergy Partner in Installing a Solar Array Near Las Vegas

Last year, MGM, along with Invenergy –a developer of sustainable energy solutions – installed a 100 megawatt solar array close to Las Vegas.

The facility that is built on 640 acres will contain nearly 336,000 solar panels and is expected to start functioning by the end of next year.

It will produce electricity enough for 27,000 households for a year. MGM will buy the all the electricity genereted by the facility to power its 13 premises in Las Vegas.

On the other hand, the construction of the project will ensure employment of 350 workers whereas the facility itself is expected to generate nearly $20 million of sales and property tax revenues.

Since 2015, Invenergy has partnered with ten more companies on different projects for renewable energy thus helping to save over 1,100 megawatts of electricity.

Renewable Energy – a Priority for American Businesses

“It’s really a strong, strong project. We’re really proud of it,” senior vice president and chief sustainability officer for MGM Resorts Cindy Ortega commented on the new project.

Jim Murren, chairman and CEO of MGM Resorts International also commented on the importance of the company’s environmental performance. He said that protecting the planet is a vital part of MGM’s business plan. Furthermore, he added that he considers it the company’s responsibility to find innovative ways where they can use clean energy to power their resorts.

“As a company we care deeply about how we use our resources. This array will be a new source of clean energy that will help power our Las Vegas resorts,”concluded Murren.

MGM is by far not the only U.S. business actively using renewable energy. Last year, the giant Amazon announced the launch of its biggest wind farm located in Scurry County , Texas.

Amazon Wind Farm Texas has more than one hundred 300-feet turbines. and according to the company the wind farm is able to generate more than 1 million additional MW hours of clean energy every year. 

Lead Author

With 5+ years of experience as an analyst, Julie—affectionately known as 'Jewels' in the office—has quickly become our go-to expert in the forex and cryptocurrency space. Her keen attention to detail and deep understanding of the industry make her an invaluable asset. Julie's expertise and enthusiasm have made her the top choice to co-pilot educational initiatives alongside Mike, bringing knowledge to the masses.

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