March 8, 2024 3 min read


Indigenous MP Accuses the NT Government of Favoring the Gambling Industry

The Northern Territory tried to convince its critics that broader consultations are actually planned and would happen before the bill passes parliament

Yingiya Mark Guyula, a Northern Territory indigenous leader and independent MP, has accused the government of allowing iGaming companies to rip off local players. According to him, the government in the Australian region has been ignoring the First Nations’ pleas for a healthier ecosystem.

As reported by The Guardian Australia, Guyula slammed online casino companies for taking money off some of the poorest people in the indigenous communities.

Guyula’s concerns come as the NT government announced its plans to introduce changes to the local gambling regulations. Despite asking for the opinions of all licensed gambling operators, the territory only consulted a single gambling treatment organization and did not approach entities outside the region.

This sparked an outrage among safer gambling proponents, who criticized the consultation process. The sentiments of the Alliance for Gambling Reform were echoed by Guyula, who said:

I am concerned that broad consultation hasn’t been done. The NT government has mainly consulted the gambling industry about what regulations they think will be best to regulate themselves and this is a clear conflict of interest.

Yingiya Mark Guyula

Guyula said that if elders and leaders in indigenous communities were consulted, they would say that they are opposed to the harm caused by online gambling.

Many Are Unhappy with the Government’s Approach

Guyula and the Alliance for Gambling Reform were not the only ones opposed to the recent consultations. Kate Chaney, an independent federal MP, described the latest bill as “mad.” According to her, this decision highlights the need for a national regulator.

Chaney furthermore accused the online gambling industry of targeting the Northern Territory because of its liberal gambling regime and low taxes.

Nicola Coalter, ex-CEO of Amity Services, the only safer gambling organization the NT government consulted, also expressed his disapproval of the recent consultation. He said that the government should have reached out to more key stakeholders.

Broader Consultations Are on the Table, Government Says

The Northern Territory tried to convince its critics that broader consultations are actually planned. A spokesperson said that these consultations should happen before the bill passed parliament.

The spokesperson also highlighted the benefits of the new bill, saying that it would raise standards and set new codes and guidelines. They also noted that the bill already includes a provision that requires consultation to occur with the development of any code of practice. This would allow safer gambling organizations to provide their feedback.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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