August 14, 2023 3 min read


Illinois Greenlights Ex-Convicts for Non-Gambling Work at Casinos

The regulator can still turn down people who can tarnish the image of the industry

Illinois has signed a new bill into law, allowing casinos to hire convicted felons for non-gambling positions. This means that casino companies will be able to hire such people in a variety of positions, such as waiters, housekeepers, chefs, porters, etc.

However, ex-convicts will remain barred from working as dealers and slot attendants.

The measure, dubbed Senate Bill 1462, was signed into law by Governor JB Pritzker last Friday, after reaching him earlier this year. After signing the release, the Governor said that his state believes in second chances.

The bill is a product of Senator Robert Peters and Representative Kam Buckner who worked with Unite Here Local 1 to provide former convicts with another chance. However, this doesn’t mean that companies will accept just any applicant.

Proponents of the measure believe that providing former criminals with a job will reduce their chances of returning to a life of crime and will help them re-enter society.

The Regulator Will Still Turn Down Dangerous Criminals

SB 1462 differs from similar measures in other states as it does not prohibit convicts with a past of violence from working in non-gambling positions. Instead, the Illinois Gaming Board will consider a number of factors when determining whether a former convict deserves to hold a license that allows them to work in the industry.

The board will thus require only issues to applicants that desire to be rehabilitated and re-enter society and people who don’t have a reputation that might damage the image of the casino industry.

Overall, the Illinois Gaming Board will take into mind a number of points, including how much time has passed since the conviction, the rehabilitation efforts since the conviction (if any) and the circumstances surrounding the crime. The number of transgressions, as well as their severity, will also be considered, as well as the ex-convict’s age at the time of the crime.

Illinois Moves Toward Rehabilitation

The passing of the new measure comes amid a shortage of manpower in the gambling industry. According to Unite Here Local 1’s president Karen Kent, SB 1462 will serve a double purpose as it will provide a second chance to ex-convicts while allowing casino companies to tap into a new recruitment pool.

Gov. Pritzker lauded the bill as a step toward transforming the justice system “away from incarceration and towards rehabilitation.” At the same time, the bill will help Illinoisans who have made mistakes secure stable employment so they don’t have to repeat their past mistakes.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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