June 12, 2024 3 min read


Fact-checked by Velimir Velichkov

GamCare Asks Banking Firms to Join War on Gambling Harm

GamCare described businesspeople as “particularly vulnerable to gambling-related financial harm” because of their access to large sums of money

GamCare, a leading British problem gambling charity, asked banks to block payments from business accounts to gambling operators. The organization cited recent examples where employees, directors and self-employed people have gambled with business funds as the reason for its call.

GamCare pointed out that gambling transactions can be made from business accounts with the most high street banks in the United Kingdom. To make matters worse, banks will not intervene, sometimes resulting in significant business losses.

GamCare described businesspeople as “particularly vulnerable to gambling-related financial harm” because of their access to large sums of money which should be set aside for business expenses.

PayPlan, a leading debt advice provider, suggested that gamblers who own businesses tend to experience greater levels of debt. The provider noted that the business status enables such people to borrow and gamble at greater levels, exposing them to even more danger.

The Business Debtline, on the other hand, a charity that provides free debt advice to small businesses in the UK, noted that gambling could put businesses under extra financial strain or simply lead to their closure.

One such example was the company of Michelle Franklin, a business owner whose son used her business card to gamble online. Due to her son’s gambling, Franklin lost her home, business and nearly lost her son.

Franklin said that the business debit card was used for thousands of gambling transactions without prompting intervention from the bank, bank manager or business accountants since it was logged as director’s dividends.

What Can Banks Do?

GamCare asked the business banking sector to be mindful of this issue. Following its workshop on the matter, the charity proposed action in four key areas.

First of all, banks should raise awareness of this issue and train staff to foresee and prevent gambling-related financial harm. According to GamCare, trained individuals should be able to signpost clients to gambling support if necessary.

Additionally, GamCare proposed blocking gambling on business accounts. Currently, only a few business bank account providers, such as Tide and Monzo prevent gambling transactions.

Firms should also assess the risks of allowing gambling transactions on business accounts and should consider blocking such transactions by default.

The third key area proposed by GamCare is transaction monitoring which would allow banks to spot irregular patterns and intervene if they identify signs of harmful gambling on client accounts.

Finally, the charity suggested that banking providers should put adequate intervention mechanisms in place and communicate with clients about gambling in a non-stigmatizing way. Firms should normalize talking about gambling and gambling harm, breaking the stigma associated with the topic, GamCare concluded.


Angel has a passion for all forms of writing, be it fiction or nonfiction. His curious nature gives him an ace up his sleeve when researching a new topic. Angel’s thirst for knowledge, paired with adaptability, always helps him find his way around.

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