March 14, 2023 2 min read


Former Canadian Lawmaker Cleared of Using Position to Meet Gambling Debt

A former Member of Parliament of the Liberal party in Ontario, Canada, has been cleared of charges that he used his immunity and position to rid himself of gambling debt

This comes as welcome news to Raj Grewal who faced mounting scrutiny over the past year over his alleged involvement in lobbying for businessmen in front of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Grewal was also accused of helping with immigration application proceedings in exchange for loans.

Gambling Habits That Do Not Suggest Abuse of Power

None of these charges held up in court. The only part that is true, though, is Grewal’s proclivity for gambling to great lengths. He reportedly spent considerable sums, running in the millions of dollars, at the Casino du Lac-Leamy over the period of several years from 2015 through 2018, court documents state.

Because of his gambling habits, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police launched an investigation into his gambling habits and the source of his money. While the investigation did not prove any wrongdoing beyond a reasonable doubt, Grewal stepped down from his party post and did not go up for reelection in 2019.

Justice Sylvia Corthorn of Ontario did not find any evidence to suggest that Grewal had in any way abused his power to secure loans and sustain his gambling habit. In fact, Corthorn dismissed the case outright and did not find it necessary for the defense to deliver its arguments.

Should shove came to push, though, Grewal’s lawyer, Nader Hasan, would have simply stated that the loans were given by members of the local Sikh community, which Grewal has been a long-time member of.

Police Did Not Bother to Investigate, Says Lawyer

Hasan called the entire case based on flimsy evidence, but more importantly on a grave cultural misunderstanding. Essentially, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police misconstrued the relationships between Grewal and his fellow community members and sought to find evidence of wrongdoing where there was essentially none.

Hasan insisted that the police could have saved the Crown and itself considerable resources if it had gone to Grewal directly and collected evidence, or looked into the ties between him and his benefactors. The lawyer insisted that at no point did the police approach his client and demand a straightforward explanation of the loans.

They simply jumped to the conclusion that Grewal had abused power, which has now cost him his political career.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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