March 8, 2024 3 min read


Executives Say iGaming Must Become More Innovative and Social

Virtual reality that simulates traditional casino experience might be the answer to the industry’s needs

A panel at the’s Online Gambling & Sports Betting Summit saw industry experts discuss the future of the online gambling sector. Many believe that iGaming is bound to become more social and tailored to the customers’ needs.

As reported by the Associated Press, many believe that the online gambling of tomorrow will need to adapt and accommodate more social media elements, answering to consumers’ demands for communal play.

Representatives of multiple influential operator companies and suppliers weighed in on the matter, expressing their thoughts on what needs to change.

The Industry Should Understand Its Players

Jonathan Doubliet, Playtech’s VP of US business operations, is firm that the next generation of players will need different experiences. He said that innovation would be paramount to success.

In addition to innovation, the industry would need to understand the needs of its clients and appeal to the preferences of various demographics. Seth Schorr, Fifth Street Gaming’s chief executive, commented on that matter, mentioning his company’s upcoming Latino-themed site,

According to Schorr, targeting the Latino market is more than just translating a site into Spanish. Instead, his team had to create a brand that not only speaks the language but also understands the culture and the trends.

Speaking of understanding clients,’s CEO, Justin Park, believes that companies should have appropriate customer service. His brand seeks to cater to female players and gets roughly 40 to 45% of its money from women who play slots. As a result,’s customer service team is comprised of women only.

Park reflected on the matter, explaining that he believes female customer service employees, on average, tend to be chattier and friendlier.

Companies Must Provide Players with Content They Love

Oliver Bartlett, VP of gaming product at the global gambling giant BetMGM, pointed out another important thing, which is matching customers to the content they truly care about. He pointed out that many operators, including BetMGM, boast libraries of thousands of games, which is why robust algorithms and AI-based solutions are needed to help players find what they enjoy.

We need to find ways to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time.

Oliver Bartlett, VP of gaming product, BetMGM

Ed Andrewes, CEO of Resorts Digital Gaming, added that customers also want experiences tailored to their specific needs.

Finally, Karolina Pelc, CEO of BeyondPlay, reinforced the idea that customers want shared experiences. She added that innovation should “speak to players.

Doubliet elaborated that virtual reality that simulates traditional casino experience might be the future.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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