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Coral Poker Migrates to PartyPoker Platform
Coral has informed players that its online poker software will be switching from the iPoker Network to partypoker’s platform.
Coral Poker Gets a New Home
Coral has announced its plans to migrate its online poker software to a new platform. Starting December 4th, the brand will be making the move from the iPoker network to partypoker’s network.
The news was broken over email, as players on the site were notified that they would soon be playing on new software. Players were informed that their cash balances would be transferred from iPoker to partypoker, so they shouldn’t experience any disruption in their gaming.
A statement from Coral Poker read:
“This will bring a number of huge benefits to Coral players who will now have access to partypoker’s larger liquidity pool and the network’s popular and diverse tournament schedule, all while enjoying the superior playing experience on our leading software which has seen partypoker named Poker Operator of the Year for three years running,”
Coral has also stated that Ladbrokes will be changing its software some time in the new year, although a definite date has not been set. Ladbrokes was acquired by Coral in 2018, so it’s natural that the site’s poker software would also change hands.
Poker Community Speculates
While Coral Poker has praised partypoker’s online gaming platform, members of the poker community aren’t convinced that the quality of the software isn’t the only reason for the switch. Many believe that it could have something to do with bots on the network.
Back in 2011, members on poker forums pointed out that the iPoker Network had a big problem with online poker bots. The accused bot was suspected to have won $7000 on poker tables – and, things don’t seem to have improved much.
Last year, more players in the poker community pointed out the significant presence of bots on the iPoker Network. They noted that they were unable to win at lower stakes due to many bots being active on the site.
So, it is very likely that this could be the reason for Coral’s decision to switch over to the partypoker network. This theory would make a lot of sense, as partypoker has been one of the most active soldiers in the battle against bots in the online poker world.
Over the course of the past year, partypoker has shut down hundreds of bots and reports on the number of accounts that it seizes every month. So, it seems that Coral Poker wants to protect its players further – in addition to providing them with access to partypoker’s high quality software.
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Rachael is a veteran gaming journalist with over 9 years of writing experience but has only just started within the gambling industry. She has built a keen interest within the iGaming sector over the years from exposure at events and intends to translate her passion into publications here at GamblingNews.com to keep our readers updated with the latest developments.
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