November 28, 2023 2 min read


California Is Unlikely to Introduce Sports Betting in 2023

The local tribes remain fervent opponents of the two sports betting measures

Californian voters continue to show little interest in sports betting. Data shows that consumers in the state continue to be reluctant to introduce the vertical to the state, although some people seem to be warming up to the idea.

Such were the results of a study led by FM3 Research, a local polling company. According to its findings, only 13% of Californians are strongly supportive of the idea, while 17% only somewhat support betting. According to the results, 17% somewhat oppose sports betting and 46% strongly oppose it. The remaining 7% are neutral.

While these results are not thrilling, they still show that people are a bit more likely to support betting now than they were a year ago. For reference, last year, FM3 Research learned that 13% strongly support betting while 15% somewhat support it.

Tribes Oppose the New Measures

While the results show a modest warming up to the idea of sports betting, they still show that more than half of the voters in the state are opposed to the idea. These results are favorable to the local tribes, which are wary of competition from commercial operators.

The tribes were also unhappy that the most recent measures were not communicated to them before the filings. This further amplified their animosity, providing extra challenges to the legalization of sports betting.

Most of the local tribes are firmly opposed to the introduction of sports betting, with some remaining neutral on the matter.

California Is Not Ready

Last year, two other bills tried to usher in sports betting but failed to gain traction. This year’s measures, the Sports Wagering Regulation and Tribal Gaming Protection Act and the Tribal Gaming Protection Act seek to give sports betting another chance.

Unfortunately, the time for collecting comments concluded yesterday. The due date for both measures is December 1.

The outlook for sports betting in California seems to remain bleak. As voters and tribes alike oppose the two amendments, any significant change is unlikely. California will likely need a few more years before sports betting becomes a relevant matter, according to the local tribes.


Although Fiona doesn't have a long-spanning background within the gambling industry, she is an incredibly skilled journalist who has built a strong interest in the constantly growing iGaming network. The team at Gambling News is glad to have her on our roster to help deliver the best stories as soon as they hit. Aside from writing, she loves to dabble in online casino games such as slots and roulette, both for her own enjoyment and also as research to better improve her understanding of the industry.

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