December 30, 2021 2 min read


$100,000 Lottery Winner Pulled All the Stops to Cash the Prize

If you win big from the lottery, the first thing you need to do is make sure you do not lose the winning ticket even if this means going to extremes like Pamela Lunsford of Rosman who won $100,000 from the North Carolina lottery.

Three Out of Three

The 60-year-old woman claimed to have taped the $100,000 winning ticket from the $20 Winter Winnings game in North Carolina to her leg to avoid any potential loss before she had the opportunity to claim the prize, the News & Observer reported.

“I can lose a purse or a book bag but I can’t lose my leg,” Lunsford was quoted while explaining her actions to ensure she claimed the big prize from the ticket bought at a convenience store, alongside the purchase of two other scratch-off stubs which also won prizes.

Lunsford would definitely remember every single detail of the events which unfolded following the purchase from Lake Toxaway Trading Post on Rosman Highway: from finding out her first two scratch tickets won $130 in total, $100 in one and $30 in the other, to the big winner from the last one, which caused her to start shaking in shock.

Lucky winner Lunsford collected about $70,756 after tax deductions and celebrated her win by taking her kids to a crab dinner in Asheville. The money would help her buy a new car to replace her old one which had gone through total damages in an accident that had taken place a few months prior to the lucky ticket purchase.

The $100,000 prize from the Winter Winnings game which started in November was one of only two such prizes of the game that also offers the opportunity to win two $1,000,000 prizes, lottery officials outlined.

Lucky Couple in Missouri

Another lottery scratch game, Holiday Cash, turned out lucky for a Missouri couple after the husband acquired the $100,000 winning ticket from a Casey’s General Store in Ozark. Needless to say, they both fell shocked when realizing the magnitude of the winning, as reported by the Sacramento Bee.

Despite having a rule between them which states that whoever of them wins keeps the winnings, the couple of regular lottery players chucked that rule for the big prize and would be splitting the money, after donating part of it to their church and local school.

Lead Author

With 5+ years of experience as an analyst, Julie—affectionately known as 'Jewels' in the office—has quickly become our go-to expert in the forex and cryptocurrency space. Her keen attention to detail and deep understanding of the industry make her an invaluable asset. Julie's expertise and enthusiasm have made her the top choice to co-pilot educational initiatives alongside Mike, bringing knowledge to the masses.

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