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Gambling News - 'Nasdaq stockholm'
September 13, 2021
Catena Media Board to Execute on Share Buyback Mandate
Catena Media, an online lead generation company focusing on the iGaming market, announced today its Board of Directors resolved to exercise the company’s mandate to buy back the company’s ordinary shares. Execute on Authorization The announcement follows the authorization Catena Media’s Board of Directors was granted at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of its shareholders, […]
January 5, 2021
GiG Grants Key Managerial Staff 1.5M Share Options
Malta-based supplier of technology solutions for the gaming industry Gaming Innovation Group (GiG) issued a grant of 1.5 million share options for key employees, offering them the chance to buy equity in the company within the next 5 years. Employment at the Time of Exercise Options which are conditional upon employment at the time of […]