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Gambling News - 'Lake of the torches'
February 16, 2023
Lake of the Torches Casino Chose Passport’s Lush Loyalty
Provider of payment technology and customer engagement solutions Passport Technology announced that Lake of the Torches Resort Casino in Wisconsin has selected the combination of Passport’s rewards platform and player enrollment kiosks. Ready to Spoil Their Partner The selection of Passport’s Lush loyalty and rewards platform and Mira kiosks for the casino resort owned by […]
July 8, 2022
Lake of the Torches Implements Spotlight’s New CRM
Software developer Spotlight announced the continuation of its ten-year partnership with casino resort Lake of the Torches. As a result of a new agreement, Spotlight’s premiere software, SpotlightCRM v4, will replace Lake of the Torches’ current system. Spotlight’s New Solution Provides a Solid Improvement I.C. Intelligence has operated under the name Spotlight since 2013. The […]