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Gambling News - 'Kern county'
June 14, 2022
Kern County Approves Tejon’s Operations at Hard Rock
Kern County has been flagged as a gambling-approved region as Governor Gavin Newsom signed a tribal gaming compact. The gaming compact allows the Tejon Indian Tribe to run casino services at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino and the resort will be on a 320-acre land, according to the tribe. The Project Was Announced in 2019 […]
July 10, 2020
California: New Indian Casino Project Received Public Support
A new casino development south of Bakersfield, California, has received huge support during a public hearing held by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Wednesday. The Tejon Indian Tribe, in partnership with Hard Rock, is hoping to set roots through the $600 million project, as the 1,045-member tribe has no designated reservation. Draft Environmental Impact […]