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Gambling News - 'Funanga'
April 21, 2023
Funanga Expands to North America via Now Prepay Partnership
Funanga is a fast-growing, Berlin-based instant cash payment services provider, delivering convenient solutions for online payment providers. The company has been continuously expanding its global reach and earlier this week celebrated its launch in North America. The provider unveiled a new deal with Payment Source’s Now Prepay, effectively expanding its services to Canada. The launch […]
July 30, 2021
Luckbox Connects With Funanga to Provide Payment Solutions
Funanga has teamed up with Luckbox, Real Luck Group’s subsidiary, to provide more payment solutions with CashtoCode. Thanks to this partnership, players will now be able to deposit funds into their accounts on Luckbox at 150,000 locations operating in multiple markets. Luckbox Adds New Payment Options The CEO and co-founder of Funanga, Jens Bader, […]