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Gambling News - 'Enlabs'
December 8, 2020
Enlabs AB Appoints Head of Accounting Jelena Nisa as Group CFO
The largest iGaming operator in the Baltics, Enlabs AB, announced today its Head of Accounting Jelena Nisa would be given the role of Group Chief Financial Officer. The new CFO joined the gaming content provider in 2016 and has been overseeing the operator’s accounting and reporting functions ever since. Internal Promotion Latvia-based Jelena Nisa boasts […]
May 19, 2020
Enlabs Makes Shift Towards Playtech’s iPoker Network
Playtech and Enlabs negotiated a poker network partnership as Enlabs has chosen to withdraw from GG Network and join the iPoker Network instead. Enlabs Signs Poker Network Partnership with Playtech Sweden-based online gaming company, Enlabs AB, has announced that is parting ways with the GG poker network to join Playtech’s iPoker Network instead. The company […]