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Gambling News - 'Blue guru'
October 4, 2022
Blue Guru Releases Seafaring Slot Reel Big Fish
Blue Guru Games, the gaming studio that embodies a passion for spirituality, mythology, and history reflected in all games have released a new slot. The new game is called Reel Big Fish and it is dedicated to all fishermen, new or seasoned, with a passion for daylight fishing or an interest in Wii Fishing at […]
June 15, 2022
Curse of the Mummies Slot: A Cinematic Blue Guru Slot
After breaking the ice with the release of its first slot game at the end of April, Blue Guru Games has been on a roll producing and releasing fresh titles. Today, the studio owned by the LeoVegas Group, announced the launch of Curse of the Mummies, a fresh slot scheduled to reach the popular Silver […]