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Gambling News - 'Betindex'
July 14, 2021
Football Index Administrators Start Customer Funds Repayments
Administrators at the collapsed sports betting platform Football Index announced withdrawals of customer funds are about to begin. Dispute with Payment Provider Resolved The announcement from insolvency practitioner firm Begbies Traynor, appointed in late March to administer proceedings at the collapsed sports betting platform with elements of stock market trading, came just a day after […]
May 10, 2021
Football Index Administrators Begin Allocating Customer Funds
Administrators at BetIndex, operators of sports betting platform Football Index, initiated the process of allocation of funds to current and former users of the platform at a hearing in the Royal Court in Jersey today. Formal Launch of Funds Allocation Initiated Insolvency practitioner firm Begbies Traynor which was appointed in late March to administer the […]