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Gambling News - 'Aspers group'
March 1, 2023
Galaxy’s 3 Dice Baccarat Debuted at Aspers Casino Westfield
Manufacturer of casino equipment Galaxy Gaming, Inc. announced today that its 3 Dice Baccarat game has made its international debut with Aspers Casino Westfield in Stratford City, London. Debuting on UK’s Largest Casino Floor The installation of 3 Dice Baccarat tables at the land-based casino operated by the Aspers Group marked the first international placement […]
December 6, 2022
Aspers Group Chooses Intelitics for Paid Media and Affiliate Boost
Intelitics will work with Aspers Group to help power the latter’s brand-new UK iGaming brand, Aspers Casino. Aspers Group is a prominent gaming entity in the United Kingdom and beyond, and it will now see Intelitics, a content marketing and analytics provider, spearhead its customer acquisition program. Aspers Casino Taps Intelitics to Boost Affiliate Traffic […]