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Gambling News - 'Gop'
November 1, 2022
Republicans Given 66% Chance to Gain Control Over Senate
The Republican Party has been given a 2-in-3 chance to regain control over both of the Congress’ chambers during the upcoming midterms that will be held next week. The odds have been offered by the Smarkets exchange, placing the Grand Old Party (GOP) in the leading position of favorites expected to take over the Senate. […]
October 22, 2020
Steve Wynn Continues to Back GOP and Trump’s Reelection Bid
Former casino mogul Steve Wynn has been donating actively to the Republican Party, bolstering the GOP’s reelection efforts in 2020 according to an NPR report. Steve Wynn Restarts Donations to the GOP Fallen from grace casino mogul and Wynn Resorts founder Steve Wynn has been confirmed as one of the biggest donors to the Republican […]